Play list

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When the play list tab is selected, you can create, edit or export a play list.


Plays and drills are added to the play list by choosing List - Add play to play list, this will add the current play to the play list. Alternatively you can use CTRL+L or on the overview tab bring up the pop-up menu and select, add to play list.


You can also add complete categories to the play list by choosing List - Add category to play list, this will add the current category to the play list.


You can give a play list a name by filling in a play list title.


Deleting a play from the list is done by selecting a play from the list and pressing the delete button.


Pressing the clear list button will give you a new list to start with.


Plays can be dragged up and down the list by clicking and holding down the mouse button on the play you want to move.


Clicking on the category or name header of the list will order the list be category or name ascending.


The type box can be used to switch between plays, drills, templates and formations.


With the category box categories within the play or drill section can be selected.


With the play name box the different plays within the current category can be selected.


And finally with the sequence buttons you can navigate through the current play.