Export a play in PDF

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This option will export the current play in PDF format.


The following options can be set:

If the Show Header checkbox is checked a header is added to the PDF file, containing a logo and the category.

The logo can be changed on the export tab of the preferences menu option.

To use unformatted text check the Use plain text checkbox.


Pressing the Ok button will save the play in PDF format. The default file name is the play name of the selected play.


To decrease the file size of the PDF file, you can deselect the Include fonts checkbox and lower the image quality (not recommended).

If  the program detects a pdf reader, the option "Open in reader" is visible, if checked, the play, when exported, will be shown in your pdf reader.


PDF files can be opened with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you are experiencing problems opening PDF files, please download the latest free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.